While frivolous lawsuits are discouraged, if you have been harmed by donating plasma you may be in a strong position to sue even if you signed a waiver stating you know the potential problems especially if the company you gave plasma to was negligent, didn’t follow good practices or perhaps for other reasons.

Hot Flashes During a Draw

Infection After a Draw

About the Site
This site is in its infancy. When complete this site will include more information including info on CSL Australia and other countries, recommended law firm(s) in each country and strategies. After all, some jurisdictions are known to be more prone to successful bribery than others. Plus there will be a bulletin board so users can connect with each other, share their experiences, form class action lawsuits, learn from past lawsuits and become empowered. The bulletin board will be heavily moderated to keep it purpose driven, effective and as free of misleading information as humanly (perhaps we’ll include AI too) possible
Come back occasionally to check for updates and please take care of yourself as CSL and other plasma donation companies might not. For example, the Red Cross, World Health Organization and other international health authorities recommend not donating more than once a month. CSL in the US says it’s fine to donate eight times that often. The Atlantic did an in-depth article on some of the profit over care antics of the plasma collection industry. Please read the entire article for a better picture. I’ll share one of their findings here
Why do donors, including myself, suffer fatigue akin to blackouts

In the United States you can sue a corporation where their main office is. The judges are likely to either have been bought off and be prejudiced against you or know the corporate antics and treat you fairly. This website knows someone who chose Boca Raton Florida, home of CSL Plasma, to sue them. More details would be found in online legal resources

To get a more of a sense of CSL search using various phrases about problems and CSL lawsuits. During the pandemic Pro Publica reported that CSL gave their employees masks labeled “NOT for medical purpose.” Some of the companies CSL supplies medication to which is made from plasma won a 64 million dollar class action price fixing suit against them. There are numerous other individual and class action lawsuits CSL has had to pay out on plus some such as this one brought about by governments.